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Eco-design aims to introduce strict environmental criteria to the design of a product when it is first created.

Image Eco-Design

This involve an identification of the environmental issues associated with the product for the duration of its life cycle, a reduction of the impact on the environment at the production stage and designing the product in such a way that the materials of which it is composed can be easily recycled.

The FCBA (Forêts, Cellulose, Bois et Ameublement) has produced several recommendations and proposals to assist manufacturers in formulating their environmental approach; Ligne Roset is dutifully committed and exclusively uses Bois d'origine PESC*,European wood products such as oak, walnut, ash and beech originating from ecologically-managed forests.
*Bois d’origine PESC is equivalent to the U.S.’ Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)--certified wood.

The components of the products we design are increasingly compartmentalized to facilitate breakdown and ultimately, recycling. For example, in the design of our cabinet furniture, thick panels are alveolar, with cardboard honeycombing.
We also assess the environmental issues associated with the product for the duration of its lifecycle and aim to limit the impact production has on the environment.